An audience of 180 from industry, government and the research community attended PSTI's International Petroleum Science and Technology Forum in Edinburgh on 14-15 November. Speakers from the UK and Europe, the USA, Australia and Malaysia presented papers on industry's strategic research and technology requirements on public policy in research and innovation, and on models of research community-industry interaction.
Contributors to the 'new directions' in science and technology exhibition which ran in parallel with the Forum included research institutes, universities, and innovative technology delivery companies in the oil and gas service sector. In addition to UK exhibitors, presentations were made by Eniricerche of Italy, Chalmers University of Sweden, and TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience of The Netherlands.
During the Forum, PSTI launched the report on its study 'Research and Technology Development for Petroleum Exploration and Production: asset challenges and RTD priorities'. This report places RTD requirements in exploration, in reservoir characterisation and management, and in sub-sea production technology within the framework of the business environment towards the year 2000.
Presentations included Keith Allen (Technical Operations Director, Shell UK) on difficult North Sea Fields, Rex Gaisford (Director, Worldwide Development, Amerada Hess) on deepwater developments and Brian King on behalf of the CRINE Secretariat. The importance of technical innovation to the industry was stressed and many challenges and opportunities for the research community and for innovative technology delivery companies were highlighted. In presentations on strategy and business process, Ali Daneshy (Technical Manager Europe/Africa for Halliburton) and Reid Smith (Vice President and Director, Schlumberger Cambridge Research) indicated how their were successful through technical innovation and how collaboration with others could be achieved.
A recurring theme in presentations from the UK's Department of Trade and Industry, the UK and Norwegian research councils, the European Commission's Directorate General XII, and Scottish Enterprise was the importance of high quality research in seeding innovation. However, the links between the science base and innovation were identified as a key subject to be addressed. In this active area, new forms of partnerships and models of information/technology transfer are being pursued by PSTI and others.
At this its fourth Forum, PSTI demonstrated its international role both in operating in and shaping the market for research and technology development to the benefit of its Members, working with all the key players throughout the delivery chain from research to innovation.
Planning is well advanced for PSTI seminars and conferences in 1996-97. However, as always, Members' views on topics of importance to the industry are very welcome at any time.
For further information contact Stewart Brown, [Tel: 0131 451 5231. Fax: 0131 451 5232]
[Photo 1: Bill Howells (Chevron UK Ltd), Robert Johnson (PSTI) and Brian King (CRINE Secretariat) during PSTI's International Petroleum Science and Technology Forum]
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To be placed on the Network Update mailing list e-mail [email protected] or fax Lesley Dumayne on +44 (0) 131 451 5232.