NEST - facing up to the challenge of
PSTI will contribute to a project funded
by the UK governmentís Office of Science and Technology
on the transfer of expertise between the UK research community
and industry. The project, led by NERC, aims to improve UK competitiveness
by enhancing the dialogue and promoting partnerships between R&D
users, providers and enablers by creating a Network for the Exploitation
of Science and Technology (NEST).
This will be achieved by the creation of
a virtual market on the information superhighway. In the first
year of the project a demonstrator network will be formed around
the natural resource and environment sectors and the work funded
by UK Research Councils. Industry will be represented through
trade organisations and similar bodies. Best use of available
technologies and expertise will be made by building on regional
and sector specific activities at Leeds University and PSTI. During
the first year the business potential of the NEST concept will
be evaluated and the ability to include other sectors in the network
demonstrated. The end result will be to achieve a significantly
higher ëhití rate of successful UK-led innovative
PSTI will contribute its experience of networking
between researchers and the oil/gas industry, including that gained
from the design and operation of PTERIS. Specifically PSTI will:
For further information contact Simon Burnett, e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01224 706600 Fax: 01224 706601