Corrosion Evaluation

Industry experience shows that poor selection of corrosion inhibitor will in fact promote corrosion of the handling system. Oilfield Production Analysts Limited specialise in assessing the corrosion environment of crude oils, petroleum products and process waters using electrochemical techniques. Linear Polarisation Resistance (LPR), Potentiodynamic, Galvanic and Potentiostatic measurement.

Test programmes are designed to address the challenges posed by the corrosion problem presented by our client. However a suite of tests would typically include the following analyses.

Cyclo-Potentiodynamic Evaluation of Pitting Susceptibility.
Based upon the method ASTM G61 pitting potential is assessed for samples immersed under brine. Data is collected by a computer controlled multichannel electrochemical interrogator.

Bubble Tests.
The corrosion rate is calculated for samples placed under CO2 saturated brine for test periods from 24 hours to 7 days.

Rotating Electrode Tests.
This dynamic test simulates the shear effect of a flowing fluid upon the film of corrosion inhibitor.

Corrosion Measurements under Pressure.
This simulation is particularly relevant to down hole conditions. Corrosion rates are measured for controlled conditions of pressure and corrosive brine, using variable levels of dissolved CO2.

Measurement of Galvanic Corrosion.
The comparative assessment of Galvanic currents between different materials in the same brine environment.

High Temperature / High Pressure Environments.
Oilfield Production Analysts Ltd. recognised that there was a need to be able to make corrosion rate measurements at HT/HP conditions. Oilfield Production Analysts Limited have manufactured a corrosion cell which allows tests to be performed whilst maintaining a temperature of 200 oC. and pressure of 4000 psig.

The S B Systems Field Corrosion Sidestream
The unit is designed to allow monitoring of corrosion inhibitors in the field or process plant as a non intrusive system. Monitoring is achieved using an ACM instruments LPR meter.

With this specialist apparatus and additional bubble test and wheel test systems, Oilfield Production Analysts Limited can evaluate corrosion inhibitors under pressure, simulating shear conditions and gas lift and gas saturation conditions.

Technical specifications of the corrosion monitoring equipment available from Oilfield Production Analysts Limited are given in the accompanying brochure.

For further Information on OPA and its products and services please contact:

Charlie Johnson

Oilfield Production Analysts Limited
Alliance House
46, Palmerston Road
Telephone 01224 584775
Fax 01224 584048

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