Table 9 Drilling

1. To extend automation of the drilling process. TE + CR 2. To improve real-time monitoring and control (e.g. of torque, drag, weight-on-bit, TE + CR vibration) to aid optimisation of drilling operations; (Asset focus for the above topics: all assets requiring intervention by drilling) 3. For HP/HT locations, improve pore fluid pressure determination ahead of drilling TE + CR at basin, seismic and borehole scales: - improved fluid influx detector systems for HP/HT service. (Asset focus: HP/HT exploration and field development) 4. To improve reservoir imaging ahead of and around bit for improved geo-steering: TE + E - develop novel sensor technology; - improve downhole to surface telemetry (mud pulse telemetry limiting; through metal (drill string) telemetry under development; through umbilical transmission in association with coiled tubing an option); - deliver enabling real-time interpretation, visualisation and improved drilling response/control capability to exploit data acquired. 5. For horizontal drilling, to assess/overcome limitations on maximum horizontal E reach imposed by e.g. drag, torque, hole size, drill-string strength. (Some companies are targeting an extension of reach to 9 km at moderate depths. Higher capacity/higher cost rig requirements to cope with increased demands placed by lifting, pumping and rotating loads when extending reach may be offset by improving capability in use of coiled tubing and slim-hole drilling.) 6. To develop capability for routine offshore use of coiled tubing technology as TE+CR+E reliable, cost effective alternative delivery mechanism for drilling, logging and well servicing: - solve outstanding issues surrounding helical buckling/lock-up; high drag forces; control of weight-on-bit; capability for re-entry of horizontal lateral holes; improved spooling/handling to avoid plastic deformation during run-in and out of hole; - develop/test new materials to reduce fatigue; increase corrosion resistance; increase strength; improve strength to weight ratio; permit data transmission via built-in conductors and optical fibres. 7. To develop capability for routine offshore use of slimhole drilling. TE+CR+E 8. To assess fully the feasibility and benefits of underbalanced drilling, including - impact on formation damage and well bore integrity; - candidate selection. (Asset focus of the above topics: all assets requiring intervention by drilling) TE- technology enhancement. CR- cost reduction. E- enabling.

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