Table 21 Environmental impact assessment
1. To develop improved sensor technology for in-situ monitoring at appropriate TE
spatial and temporal resolutions of a variety of chemical/biological
environmental quality determinants.
- to improve effectiveness of eco-toxicology studies as determinants of
marine water quality, and in particular to assess the significance of near-
field eco- toxicity versus far field sub-toxic effects;
- evaluate coastal discharge versus platform discharge impact on far field
2. To enhance biological/chemical interaction process models to improve effluent TE
dispersion codes.
3. To facilitate the co-ordination/consolidation of international standards and CR
testing procedures for chemical hazard evaluation:
- for example to permit development of equipment/facilities
for use world-wide.
4. To develop models and standards based on intrinsic toxicity and not discharge. CR + E
(Asset focus of the above topics: all producing fields.)
TE- technology enhancement. CR- cost reduction. E- enabling.