Table 13 Well-bore integrity

1. To develop reliable preventative strategies for formation damage and sand TE + E control, including: - development of underbalanced drilling capability; - improved understanding of instability risks in depleted HP/HT wells; - improved gravel packing for HP/HT wells; - damage profile prediction in horizontal wells and development of improved remediation strategies. 2. To improve capability for integrated (mechanical / geochemical / borehole fluid TE / borehole geometry / pressure) simulation / modelling to provide design and operational guidelines in 3D space and time (Asset focus of the above topics: all assets requiring intervention by drilling but especially HP/HT reservoirs and high permeability/poorly cemented reservoirs) (Well bore instability remains a key issue offshore Northwest Europe. Common problems resulting from instability include stuck drill pipe or logging tools, high torque or drag while drilling, poor quality logs, poor quality casing cement jobs and sand production. The fundamental issues surrounding well bore instability are only now being systematically and scientifically investigated. Pressure for improvement comes especially from HP/HT developments and from the need for preventative sand control to avoid costly workovers in hostile deepwater marine environments.) TE- technology enhancement. CR- cost reduction. E- enabling.

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