As the North Sea and Mediterranean hydrocarbon provinces have matured, so the average size of new discoveries has declined. Exploiting these smaller oil and gas accumulations will increasingly depend on new, innovative technologies many of which are developed by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). However, the major oil companies have severely reduced their financial support for new technologies in recent years as oil prices have continued to stay low.
Since the first oil crises in 1973 the European Commission has taken a proactive role in supporting hydrocarbon technologies to ensure Europe's security of supply. EC support for innovative technologies continues today through the THERMIE Programme, ensuring that vital expertise and commercial advantage are not lost to non-EC competitors.
This issue of the newsletter examines four technologies developed in Ireland, The Netherlands, France and Italy which have the potential to reduce the offshore industry's production costs.
A further 11 innovative technologies will be exhibited on the European Union's stand at Offshore Europe '95 being held in Aberdeen from 5-8 September. In addition to projects which have received direct THERMIE funding, the EU stand will feature innovative technologies developed by SMEs which otherwise could not afford to exhibit at this event, Europe's premier showcase for the latest technology developments.
For a ship to be dynamically positioned at sea, environmental forces such as wind, current and waves have to be counteracted. Wind is usually the major contributing force for small ships while for larger ships, such as tankers, the drift forces due to waves can be of the same order of magnitude as the wind loads.
Feed forward in dynamic positioning control is a technique which uses real-time estimates of an environmental force component to operate
thruster control for immediate counteraction. In a project supported by THERMIE, a sophisticated calculation technique to make a real-time estimate of the wave drift force on a ship has been developed and demonstrated on model scale at the Maritime Research Institute (MARIN) in The Netherlands. The technique is based on the fact that wave drift forces are mainly generated by relative water motions at the hull: at the lee side of the ship the relative water motions are low, while at the weather side wave diffraction effects make the relative water motions much higher than the waves. The result is a net drift force due to the mean pressure difference (over the wave oscillations) between weather side and lee side.
Equipment, such as IR sensors and pressure gauges, measure the relative motion at the hull of the ship. Prior to the installation of such probes their optimum location has to be investigated (by calculations). In the model tests only three measurement locations on the hull were shown to be sufficient for a good result (method B in the diagram). Otherwise, instrumentation all around the hull (a minimum of 10 locations) would be required (Method C).
In the model tests, significantly improved positioning was obtained for the same power consumption.
A large scale surface prototype of the VASPS separator (a unit approximately 10m high and 20 inch diameter) with a predicted design capacity of 80 m3/hour (12,000 bbl/day) has been designed and installed at Agip Spa Multiphase Test Loop at Trecate in northern Italy. The unit has been tested at different conditions by varying oil/gas/water flow rates. Over 90 different tests have been performed which confirm that the unit works as a good separator.
The primary application for VASPS is for remote subsea production. VASPS is installed downstream of one or more producing wells to boost the production to the nearest surface facility. The concept is particularly attractive for deepwater applications where the hydrostatic back pressure is relatively high and also where the influence of external hydrostatic pressure in mechanical design is considerable.
The VASPS project, funded by THERMIE, is managed by Agip (UK) Ltd with Brasoil (UK) Ltd, Mobil North Sea Ltd and BP as project participants.
The aim of the project, undertaken by FORBAIRT (the Irish Science and Technology Agency), was to develop software which would calculate hawser tension from its various causative factors and to incorporate a physical model testing routine into the simulator. These include:
The DAMPS system provides a risk assessment technique which predicts the annual downtime for offshore oil and gas production systems. As such it is an important new tool for system designers and operators in optimising the design and maintenance of offshore systems. The model testing routine is expected to ensure the commercial viability of DAMPS and already the package has been well received by a number of operators who have used it to determine both exploration and production efficiency.
Further details on this project are available in flag brochure No.175.
Unlike drilling platforms which involve highly standardised procedures and equipment, floating production systems must fit an array of special requirements and equipment in a combination which is specific to each oil or gas field. The French company Seamet International, together with Alfapi of Greece and Noble Denton Associates of the UK, have developed a set of pre-designed main components for column stabilised production platforms. The aim is to allow the easy assembly of the main components into a complete platform design, able to suit any specific offshore oil and gas field development strategy.
The project concentrates on individual systems employed on production platforms, namely the primary structure, ballast and bilge piping system, anchor lines, riser interface, production processing plant, auxiliaries, servicing rig, living quarters, helideck etc.
The project focused on the following features:
The system developed allows users to see the various ways in which a fully equipped platform configuration can be constructed and gives information on performance and cost appraisal for each alternative. As a result this tool can achieve significant savings when alternatives for new oil and gas offshore field development projects are being considered.
For operators this may be particularly useful for preliminary design and cost assessments, as well as the development of the basic design and specification. The tool will also be of use to platform constructors as they will be able to make preliminary construction management plans, cost assessments and possibly offer an off-the-shelf design to potential clients.
During his address, Mr Millich took the opportunity to stress to Aberdeens' oil community that while the EC supported the hyrdocarbons sector through progammes such as THERMIE and JOULE, the industry itself should play a greater role in political lobbying to ensure that funding in this sector, so vital to Europes' economy, was maintained.
From left to right, Bruce Robinson, Scottish Enterprise; Enzo Millich, European Commission Directorate General for Energy; Maitland Mackie, Grampian Enterprise; Kourosh Bassiti, Scottish Enterprise.
A one-day workshop on Western Technology and Safety for Enhanced CIS Oil & Gas Production (Moscow, 6 April) addressed new concepts using traditional technologies, well stimulation in Western Siberia and small scale regional refining.
The Offshore Technology Conference (Houston, 1-4 May 1995) continues to be the world's premier oil and gas trade show attracting 33,000 visitors during the week. Twelve companies exhibited on the EU stand, which attracted over 1,000 delegates. All of the companies reported numerous enquiries with a significant number of firm sales leads. A one-day workshop, organised by IRO to coincide with OTC, examined the highly topical subject of Platform Abandonment. Thirty delegates discussed the latest technologies for removing platforms with specific emphasis on the North Sea.
An EC workshop on Seismic Applications in Reservoir Monitoring (Vienna, 14 May) examined new and advanced seismic applications currently available for reservoir monitoring. The presentations included 4-D seismic and the application of the VSP Technique. Event proceedings are available from LDK Consultants (Fax: +30 1 856 3180).
During May IRO, in conjunction with the EC Energy Centre Tyumen, organised four training courses ran by ENSPM of France for Russian geologists and reservoir engineers. Each of the courses (seismic development, reservoir engineering, economics and management of E&P, petroleum chemistry) were fully subscribed and well received by the attendees.
EAGE 95 (Glasgow, 29 May to 2 June) is the premier event in Europe relating to oil and gas exploration and geoscience technology. This year's event attracted 3,000 high calibre delegates consisting mainly of senior personnel. The EU stand attracted approximately 600 visitors, providing the participants on the stand with a large number of business contacts from Europe (East and West) and the USA.
An EC seminar on European Technologies and Standards to Improve Transmission Pipeline Integrity (Tallinn Estonia, 8-9 June) attracted 75 professionals from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Western Europe. Presentations from both East and West European companies described the current pipeline situation in the Baltic States as well as new technologies for pipeline inspection, leak detection and repair, coating and corrosion protection. For further information contact the EC Energy Centre Tallinn (Fax: +372 524 7857).
EC Workshop on Improved Reservoir Monitoring in HPHT Wells, Delft, 12 September 1995 This workshop will be held in conjunction with the OAPEC event on �New Technologies Applied to Hydrocarbon Production� which is running from 12-15 September. Details of the EC event can be obtained from Guus Hutjes at IRO (Tel: +31 79 41 19 81).
Oil and Gas Tyumen, 12 - 15 September 1995 The EC will participate at this event for the second time, featuring hydrocarbons technologies developed within the Community which are appropriate to the Russian market. The EC offers small, innovative companies the opportunity to exhibit their products in a forum which would otherwise be too expensive to attend. Companies interested in participating on the EU stand should contact Jane Kennedy at PSTI (Tel: +44 1224 706600).
AERION 95 , Athens, 1-3 December 1995 AERION '95 is the 2nd International Gas Exhibition organised by LDK Consultants with support from the Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA S.A), the EC (DG XVII), EUROGAS (European Union of the Natural Gas Industry) and ETBA (Hellenic Industrial Development Bank).
Although AERION '95 has only been running since 1993 it is becoming established as the major event for Greece's new natural gas market. This year's event will be particularly important with the main gas pipeline completed and work on the distribution networks well under way; the first gas is expected to flow in early 1996. Sixty companies from Greece and abroad have already reserved stands and will exhibit a wide range of technologies covering all aspects of the gas industry. The EC's THERMIE and SYNERGY Programmes will also participate at the exhibition.
A number of related events will be held in parallel with the exhibition including:
The next call for THERMIE demonstration projects will be in September 1995 with a deadline of January 1996. Details of the forthcoming call can be obtained from the appropriate OPET office.
Disseminating information on THERMIE funded projects which are ready to penetrate the market continues to be an important aspect of the EC's strategy. By encouraging the adoption of new energy technologies the EC aims to secure supply, build an industrial base and improve the potential for exports, while at the same time protecting the environment.
OPETs in the hydrocarbon sector: contact details
BCEOM: Socieéteé Française d'Ing�énierie, Place des Fréres Montgolifier, F-78286 Guyancourt C�édex
FRANCE Tel: +33 1 30 12 49 90 Fax +33 1 30 12 10 95 Mr C Stratford
CEEETA - PARTEX: Calçada da Estrela, 82 - 1 DT, P-1200 Lisbon
PORTUGAL Tel: +351 1 395 56 08 Fax: +351 1 395 24 90 Mr P Bollinger
CESEN: Viale Brigata Bisagno, 2 - 16129 Genova
ITALY Tel: +39 10 550 45 80 Fax: +39 10 550 46 18 Ms M Fabianelli
COWIconsult: Consulting Engineers and Planners, Parallelvej 15, DK-2800 Lyngby
DENMARK Tel: +45 45 97 22 11 Fax: +45 45 97 22 12 Miss B Pedersen
ECD: Energy Centre Denmark, Suhmsgade 3, DK-1125 København K
DENMARK Tel: +45 33 11 83 00 Fax: +45 33 11 83 33 Ms H Hansen
EVE: Ente Vasco de la Energia, Edificio Albia 1, San Vincente, 8 - Planta 14, E-48001 Bilbao
SPAIN Tel: +34 4 423 50 50 Fax: +34 4 424 97 33 Mr J Reig
FAST: Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche, Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, I-20121 Milano
ITALY Tel: +39 2 76 01 56 72 Fax: +39 2 78 24 85 Ms Gandolfi
GEP: 45 rue Louis Blanc, La D�fense 1 - C�dex 72, 92038 Paris la D�fense
FRANCE Tel: +33 1 47 17 61 39 Fax: +33 1 47 17 67 47 Ms C Burlot
GOPA: Consultants, Hindenburgring 18, D-61348 Bad Homburg
GERMANY Tel: +49 6172 930 209 Fax: +49 6172 35046 Mr S Malin
IRO: Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry, Engelandlaan 330, PO Box 7261, 2701 AG Zoetermeer
The NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 79 41 19 81 Fax: +31 79 41 97 64 Mr G Hutjes
LDK: Consultants, Engineers & Planners, 7 Sp Triantafyllou Str, GR-113 61 Athens
GREECE Tel: +30 1 856 3181 Fax: +30 1 861 76 81 Ms E Koulouvaris
PSTI: The Petroleum Science and Technology Institute, Offshore Technology Park, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen AB23 8GX
UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 1224 706 600 Fax: +44 1224 706 601 Miss J Kennedy