The multi-disciplinary Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) brings together individuals and organisations from more than 30 countries with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering.

It was founded to promote further understanding of the underwater environment and to encourage the cross-fertilisation and dissemination of ideas and information relating to ocean technology. This results in:

The Society organises an extensive programme of events such as conferences, seminars and workshops with a broad international appeal. These are designed to provide detailed professional and technical treatment of subjects relating to subsea technology.

The organisation also publishes a quarterly technical journal called 'Underwater Technology' along with a members' newsletter, with both publications acting as a platform for research papers and discussions on the latest developments in the industry.

Special interest groups play a primary role in achieving the aims of the SUT, and these are:

Technical Groups

These provide a forum for in-depth discussions on specific industry issues, and the information gleaned from these meetings is distributed to members through the Society's various publications.

Technical groups cover a diverse range of areas including diving and submersibles; underwater science; subsea engineering; offshore site investigation and geotechnics; ocean resources; oceanography and Government liason.

Subsea Engineering Register

The SUT has defined the qualifications and experience needed for the formal recognition of a subsea specialisation. All applicants are assessed by an expert panel for registration, and the Register is available to all members and potential employers.

Underwater Science Group

Following the demise of the Underwater Association in 1991, the Society formed this specialist group to continue providing a forum for those working in underwater science. The Group also holds an annual symposium for its members.


This group actively fosters the interest of young people in marine science and technology. The SUT runs educational sponsorship schemes and offers career information and guidance.

The work of the SUT Education and Training Committee includes producing a pack of careers sheets for use in secondary schools, colleges and universities. An accompanying video is available for use by students, and local involvement by members in schools is actively encouraged. In addition, there is an annual Christmas lecture for schools on marine topics held in London which has proved very popular over the years.

Annual student sponsorship is provided through grants to high calibre undergraduates and postgraduates undertaking relevant marine science and technology subjects.

For further details and an information pack contact: Society for Underwater Technology PSTI House Exploration Drive Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB23 8GX

Tel: +44 (0)1224 823637 Fax: +44 (0)1224 820236