NEL is an international technology services organisation, providing a range of engineering technology skills to key industry and government sectors including oil and gas. Over 40 years of experience has brought NEL an international reputation in key engineering areas. Their professional and highly qualified staff are complemented by the most extensive test and analysis laboratories and experimental facilities in the UK.

The company maintains a contact office at the Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park to enable local oil and gas industries to access facilities available at East Kilbride. NEL is a major supplier of technology services to the offshore industry; with an established track record in several specialist disciplines, including flow measurement, safety and reliability, structural integrity, subsea systems, pipelines and risers, deep water tethers and production technology. The operation of the company's sales office in Aberdeen has enabled close contact to be maintained with key operators, manufacturers and industry.

NEL has been associated with many activites related to the exploitation of hydrocarbons from the North Sea:

NEL continue to develop their expertise and facilities to match current and future needs of the industry:

The establishment of multiphase flow facility has added a further dimension to NEL's capability to meet the needs of marginal field developments. The services offered by the company include problem-solving, consultancy, contract R & D, design, simulation and modelling, measurement and testing, training and technology transfer.

When the above facilities are combined with their expertise within the sector, NEL is in an ideal position to assist organisations to meet the challenging issues facing the industry:

NEL are currently involved in projects addressing the following areas:

NEL has a successful track record of working with many industries and understanding the specific needs of each client providing independent technical advice on cost-effective solutions, and approaching issues from a wide base of knowledge and expertise.

For further information contact:
The Innovation Centre
Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park
Exploration Drive
Bridge of Don
AB23 8GX

Tel:  +44 (0)1224 707711
Fax:  +44 (0)1224 707755