The Technology Centre provides 19,600 sq.ft (1,820 sq.m) of workshop and office accommodation on the prestigious Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park. The unique blend of light industrial laboratory space and office accommodation provides an exceptional working environment for organisations involved in oil and gas industry technology development.

The Technology Centre is constructed as a shell with a standard internal layout. Units can range from 1,400 sq.ft (130 sq.m) to 9,800 sq.ft (910 sq.m) Additional/specialised fit-out can be accommodated within the building fabric at a later date to adapt to space to incoming tenants exact criteria.

Situated next to Offshore House, The Technology Centre is designed around an open courtyard facing on to offices with industrial access to the rear.


Lease terms can be structured to suit individual tenants with flexibility to accommodate the demands of an ever changing energy market. Leases are on an internal repairing and insuring basis with the landlord retaining responsibility for the external shell and surrounding policies. Due to the flexibility of the leases the service charge will contain an element for ordinary wear and tear as well as the running costs and maintenance of the common areas. Further rental and service charge information is available on request.


The Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park is situated in the Bridge of Don area of the city just off the A92. Ten minutes north of Aberdeen city centre, the Park is adjacent to the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre which hosts the biennial Offshore Europe conference and exhibition. Aberdeen airport is within 15 minutes drive time.


The Aberdeen Offshore Technology Park is a focus for the promotion of technology in the oil and gas industry in Europe and beyond. Set in a 72 acre (29 hectare) landscaped site, the Park provides a unique working environment for companies and organisations involved in oil and gas technology, innovation, and research and development.

One of the Park�s main objectives is to encourage collaboration between occupiers and the synergy between the tenants has contributed to the Park�s success. Existing on-site facilities such as the Downhole Technology Centre the Europa Centre Testing Facility and the CALTEC Flow Loop are available for use by Park tenants. Tenants may also be eligible for practical help and advice on business development and the availability of funding.

Further information is available from the letting agent:

For further information contact:
Ryden,1 Albyn Terrace, Aberdeen AB1 1YP
Telephone: +44 (0)1224 637300 Fax: +44 (0)1224 642349

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i) The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract;
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